Crystal Elixirs

gentle healing & powerful manifestation


triple structured water

ethically sourced crystals

multi-crystal powered

Elixir quiz

Can’t decide? Our quiz will help you discover which elixirs are right for you!

See what people are saying....


I'm genuinely astonished by the customized elixir's profound impact on my relationships and finances. Deneen's thoughtful formulation speaks to her care and understanding of my needs. I have subscribed because I don't want to be without it.

Edi P.
Los Angeles, CA

I bought 'Crystal-EYES' for my husband (who has eye problems). He LOVES it!

Jamie Road
Taos, NM

The potion of Dreams! A daily remedy that has restored my faith in the universe and blazed trails to greater possibilities!

Annie Sudderth
Tyler, TX

Energy is so much higher !!!! Really Awesome

Joanne Griffiths
Digby, Nova Scotia Canada

I can feel the trauma product has definitely reduced my pain. It was clear to me that you truly are on a mission with your products.Thank you!!

Randy Mitchell
Las Vegas, NV

"We are proud to offer our unique, earth-based products, derived from non-toxic and powerful crystals, to aid in the quest for good health and a great life."

-Deneen Tomayko, CEO