Unlock the Power of Structured Water

It is a well-known fact that water is essential for the survival of life on Earth; our body is made up of two-thirds water and we can't last even a few days without it. The air we breathe is almost 80% water, while the Earth's surface is approximately 71% water. The oceans contain nearly all of the Earth's water, making up around 96.5%.


For centuries, water has fascinated people with its incredible properties. Even today, there are still some mysteries left to uncover about it. Scientists have been trying to find out if water can be considered “alive” and if it possesses a form of memory.


To comprehend structured water, it is necessary to have at least a basic knowledge of homeopathy as the initial research into the structure of water was carried out to validate or disprove homeopathy.


Homeopathy is a type of medical treatment that originated in Germany over 200 years ago and has gained a large following since then. It's known for utilizing natural elements to create remedies and treatments, which has made it popular with those who are looking for alternative health practices.


It’s based on two unconventional theories:


“The law of similars” is the idea that what causes a disease can also be used to cure it. As the old saying goes, "like cures like", which means that administering a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy individuals can be used to treat an ailment.


"Law of Minimum Dose" ; this states that the lower the dose of a substance, the more effective and beneficial it can be. Most homeopathic treatments involve doses that have been highly diluted, sometimes to such an extent that no molecules of the original substance remain.


During the 1980’s, experiments were conducted by Dr Jaques Beneviste's laboratory involving allergens (substances that elicit an allergic response in the body). The allergen was diluted repeatedly in water until no traces of it remained. By diluting the sample, they ensured that none of its molecules were detectable. To demonstrate the phenomenon, living cells were exposed to the same water used in earlier tests, which triggered an allergic reaction – despite the fact that none of the allergen remained in the water. Multiple follow up experiments verified these results.


Beneviste compiled this into the most controversial paper ever and submitted it to Nature. Nature didn't want to publish it, but did so reluctantly. Despite this, scientists who did not want to believe it discredited the work. On the other hand, since the 1980s, the concept of water memory has been considered by numerous more serious scientists all over the world.


In 2009, Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV, also studied the phenomenon of water memory. His research paper describes detecting electromagnetic signals emitted by DNA in a sample of water in which the DNA sequences had been completely diluted out, as if the water had been "remembering" the DNA.


In 2011, Montagnier discovered that a sample of water from which DNA had been diluted could "transfer" its signal to another sample made up of only purified water. By using Polymer Chain Reactions (PCR) on the second sample, the DNA sequences could be replicated with an astonishing accuracy of 98-100%.


In the same paper, Montagnier describes how he and his lab were able to transfer information digitally via sound to purified water on the other side of the world, using computers. This third sample of water contained the original DNA sequences, and PCR was used to make a copy of them. This remarkable feat of information transfer via sound across a great distance was further highlighted when the United Nations hosted an event on the Memory of Water in 2014.


In 2007, Martin Chaplin, a specialist in water molecules, proposed a theory on how water can maintain a memory. Water molecules are dipoles, with one end negatively charged and the other positively charged, and these ends attract and hold on to the opposite charge of other molecules, forming a stable structure. This structure, called clusters, allows the water to retain information from its environment, thus explaining its capability of maintaining a memory.


Dr Masaro Emoto developed a unique method of photographing the crystalline structures of water. In his study, The Hidden Messages in Water, he and his researchers exposed various water samples to different human intentions expressed through words and thoughts. Using high magnification, Emoto was able to capture beautiful crystal formations in water samples exposed to positive, living, and compassionate intent. Conversely, water samples exposed to negative, angry, or fearful intentions produced distorted, unpleasant formations, which are open to interpretation.


In 2006, Dr. Emoto conducted an ambitious remote study, which involved asking thousands of people around Tokyo to send positive intent to a water sample located in an electromagnetically shielded room in his laboratory. To ensure accuracy, he also kept a control and had independent judges score the photos of the crystals. The results were consistent with his previous findings.


Dr Bernd Kroplin in Germany had students gather one drop of water samples from the same source at the same time and examine them under a microscope. To their amazement, each drop of water had its own unique pattern, despite having come from the same source. It seemed as if each drop of water had absorbed information from each individual student and changed itself accordingly. Subsequently, they put different species of flowers into samples of water from the same source, and each sample had a different image depending on the species of flower they were exposed to. To further explore the phenomenon, they repeated the experiment with other inputs, such as music, ultrasound, and microwave radiation from a cellphone. Each time, water from the same source exhibited different patterns depending on the treatment.


Viktor Schauberger was a Forester from Austria who earned the nickname, The Water Wizard. He studied the behavior of water in nature, particularly how it moved and flowed, and proposed that water was alive and acted as the 'blood of the earth'. He observed that healthy, living water twisted and pulsated in specific ways to maintain its purity and function, and that it could die if treated poorly, depending on how it flowed. Schauberger spent the last half of his life developing a mechanism that would simulate the flow of water in mountain streams, using magnetized vortices to restructure devitalized water.


In 2005, Russian scientist Konstatin Korotkov traveled to Venezuela, where he encountered an untouched body of water known as "The Mother of All Waters" by the local tribes. Upon measuring the energetic properties of this unpolluted water, Korotkov found that it was 40,000 times more energetically active than regular water. Inspired by this discovery, he devoted himself to building a machine to give water its life-force back.


Dr Gerald Pollack wrote a book describing his controversial research findings on water, published in 2013, entitled The Fourth Phase of Water_ Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor. In it he explains that water has three phases – gas, liquid, and solid; but findings from his laboratory imply the presence of a surprisingly extensive fourth phase that occurs at interfaces. The formal name for this fourth phase is exclusion-zone water, aka EZ water or H3O2.


In 2014, Dr. Guy Londechamp published the results of his 5-year research study into the effects of drinking structured water produced by the magnetic vortex device he had invented. Utilizing the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, he observed that the auras of his subjects had increased by 80% after consuming just one glass of structured water.


Water can be structured not only with a magnetic vortex or a mountain stream, but also through human intention if treated correctly. Dr. Korotkov studied water that had been chanted over in Russian monasteries and found that it had a higher energy quality than ordinary water. He went further to examine the effects of remote mental influence on water, where healers sent intent to a sample of water from across the world. His findings showed that the healers thoughts had a profound effect on the energy levels of the targeted water.


Dr Emoto conducted an experiment in which he observed water from a local dam that had been exposed to an hour-long prayer delivered by the chief priest of a nearby temple. Surprisingly, after the water was infused with prayer, Dr Emoto found that it produced more beautiful crystals than before.


Living water, also referred to as structured water, is composed of water molecules that form a hexagonal cluster. This type of water is believed to be identical to the pure, untouched, and uncontaminated water found in glacier melts and natural springs. Structured water has unique properties that make it highly beneficial for both our bodies and the environment.


Structured water has a unique chemical composition of H3O2, consisting of three hydrogen molecules and two oxygen molecules, which is different from the common H2O formula of ordinary water. Compared to regular water, structured water is thicker, denser, and more viscous, and can store and release energy. Furthermore, its molecules are believed to have a higher vibrational charge, leading to increased hydration and better overall health benefits for the human body.


When water molecules bond in a hexagonal pattern, they form H3O2, which enhances hydration and boosts the speed of energy transfer. This arrangement can be observed in natural springs, tumbling streams, rain, and other sources of water exposed to sunlight and balanced minerals.


Here is a an overview of the elements that can be used to reinforce H3O2. Healthy plants, soil, and microbes help create a balanced and nutrient-rich environment, while organic fruits and vegetables with a high water content provide ample hydration. Sunlight and moonlight, thunder and lightning, and gemstones that resonate with water are all natural phenomena that can be used to strengthen H3O2 and in turn, the water strengthens them. To ensure a balanced equilibrium of minerals, copper vessels, magnets and vortexes can be employed, making them valuable tools for reinforcing this element.


The many benefits of structured water are widely appreciated. It helps the cells of the body recover quickly, supporting a stronger immune system. Additionally, it detoxifies the body of toxic chemicals and harmful frequencies, allowing for better management of stress. Structured water also boosts energy levels by increasing organ activity and enhancing resilience, as well as promoting the optimal bioavailability of nutrients. Moreover, it increases hydration by allowing for easier absorption by the body. Altogether, structured water helps to promote better health and longevity.


The takeaway is that, even if you cannot access structured water to drink daily (but I hope you can!), you should take the time to pray and send good intentions to the water you drink every day. If you would like to take advantage of the power of structured water and the frequencies of crystal energy at the same time, check out my GemWater Focused Elixirs. They make wonderful empowering gifts for yourself or for someone special.



1 comment

  • Jim

    Insightful. In so many aspects of life, we come full circle, and return to our roots.

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